

1) a ski run

freedom of movement

2) to have free run of the house


3) a cross-country run; the mile run

series of demands

4) a run on a bank

running away

5) on the run


6) a dry, dummy (BE) run


7) to make a run (over a target)

8) a bombing run

point scored

(baseball, cricket)

9) to score a run

10) (baseball) a home run

unraveled stitches in a stocking

(BE often has ladder)

11) to get, have a run (in a stocking)


12) in the long; short run


1) (C) ('to fill') run a bath for me; or run me a bath

2) (d; intr.) to run across ('to meet by chance') (to run across an old friend)

3) (d; intr.) to run after ('to chase') (to run after a bus)

4) (esp. AE) (d; intr.) to run against ('to oppose') (I would not like to run against her in the senatorial race; popular feeling was running against the president)

5) (d; intr.) ('to ply') to run between (this train runs between New York and Philadelphia)

6) (d; intr.) to run down ('to descend quickly'); ('to pour') (to run down the stairs; tears ran down her face)

7) (esp. AE; BE has stand) (D; intr.) ('to be a candidate') to run for (to run for office; to run for Congress)

8) (d; intr.) ('to extend') to run from; to (the sale will run from the first of the month to the tenth; the fence runs from the house to the road)

9) (d; intr.) to run in ('to be present') (ability for languages runs in their blood; talent runs in the family)

10) (d; intr.) to run into ('to meet') (to run into an old friend; to run into trouble)

11) (d; intr.) to run into ('to hit') (he ran into a pole)

12) (d; intr.) to run into ('to enter quickly') (to run into the house)

13) (d; intr.) to run into ('to amount to') (the expenses will run into thousands of dollars)

14) (d; intr.) ('to move quickly') to run off (the car ran off the road)

15) (d; tr.) ('to force') to run off (she ran the other car off the road)

16) (d; intr., tr.) to run on ('to operate') (the engine runs on diesel oil; they ran the business on borrowed money)

17) (d; intr.) to run out of ('to use up') (she ran out of money)

18) (d; intr.) to run out of ('to leave quickly') (to run out of the room)

19) (d; intr.) ('to pass') to run through (a blue thread runs through the cloth; a strange thought ran through her mind)

20) (d; intr.) to run through ('to examine') (let's run through the material again)

21) (d; tr.) to run through ('to process') (run the data through the computer again)

22) (d; intr.) ('to go quickly') to run to (she ran to the doctor)

23) (d; intr.) to run to ('to seek help from') (he keeps running to his mother; don't run to the police)

24) (d, intr.) to run to ('to amount') (the dictionary runs to a thousand pages)

25) (d; tr.) ('to drive') to run to (I'll run you to the station)

26) (d; intr.) to run up ('to ascend quickly') (to run up the stairs)

27) (P; intr.) ('to go') the road runs south

28) (s) supplies are running low; the differences run deep

29) (misc.) to run rampant ('to run wild'); (colloq.) run that by me again ('repeat that for me')

* * *
dummy (BE) run
the mile run
have a run (in a stocking)
(baseball) a home run
['course'] a ski run
['duration'] in the long
['freedom of movement'] to have free run of the house
['point scored'] (baseball, cricket) to score a run
['race'] a cross-country run
['running away'] on the run
['series of demands'] a run on a bank
['trial'] a dry
['unraveled stitches in a stocking'] (BE often has ladder) to get
a bombing run
['flight'] to make a run (over a target)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • run — ► VERB (running; past ran; past part. run) 1) move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all feet on the ground at the same time. 2) move about in a hurried and hectic way. 3) pass or cause to pass: Helen ran her fingers through her …   English terms dictionary

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